About Me

This Blog was created to keep in touch with our family and friends across the globe.We hope that you will enjoy this site and somehow feel that you have visited with us!



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Growing Boys

My how time has been flying...I just can't seem to keep up! Two growing boys can definitely keep you busy. Wanted to post a few pics from over the last five months.

Dominic is a happy 2 1/2 year old that is as sassy as can be. He can sing his ABC's along with many other songs that he picks up after hearing a couple times. He loves painting, helping Mommy bake, soccer, reading...let's just say he LOVES LIFE! He is a wonderful big brother with a gentle spirit. He is very determined and quick witted which gets him in to trouble at times but is always so thoughtful and caring of other's feelings. He is in the stages of potty training and has been gradually since he turned two but is now officially in pull ups. I can't believe how big he is already!

Shane is a sweet happy baby (5 mths old) with a fiery personality. Don't get him mad though or he'll punch you out! In the 90% for height but tottering in the 10% for weight has taken after my brothers but looks like his Daddy completely! He loves when I read to him and has an amazing little singing voice! He is a great listener but when he starts talking the whole neighbourhood can hear him. He loves to laugh and is now enjoying rice cereal and oatmeal. He seems to be a Mommy's Boy...I'm loving every minute of it cause I know it won't last!

Life feels so complete with these two Angels...we are so blessed to have them and observe their uniqueness. Hope you enjoy the pics! We miss you all!

1 comment:

Allison Sangree said...

Thanks for your email Tabby.
It's so wonderful to hear from you and to see your blog. Thanks for posting - I know it must be hard to find the time, but Al and I sure enjoyed reading about your boys and seeing those beautiful pictures. How time flies!
Blessings to you all, with loads of love.